Autism Supplies
Silver Lining Multimedia, Inc.

Supplies for Individuals with Autism

  Photo Software  Photo Software for Teaching Communication 

Our photo software collection contains thousands of photos
designed for teaching language, behavioral rules and everyday
living skills.
The CDs are more than just a collection of photos.  They contain premade templates for common communication tools such as photo schedules and checklists plus cards for ABA therapy, early intervention, and picture exchange.
Photo Software CDs available are:
  • Picture This Professional
  • Visual Essentials
  • Visual Foods
  • Places You Go, Things You Do
  • Functional Living Skills and Behavioral Rules
  • School Routines and Rules
   Interactive Software Interactive Software

Use our Great Action Adventure CD to teach verbs, related nouns,
sign language and beginning reading.  This software
uses ABA (applied behavioral analysis), a systematic teaching
method which has been proven to work well with autistic students. 
The CD is also great for any early intervention student who
responds well to distraction-free teaching methods.
  Clocks and Timers Teaching Hands Clock and Time Timers

Teaching students to tell time is a lot easier with our patented Teaching Hands Clock.  The hands have specially-designed loops
on the ends to guide the student's eyes to the correct hour and
minute numerals.

In addition to clocks, we also carry the Time Timers which are a
great visual tool for keeping students on task and organized.
 Social Skills Software  Social Skills Software 
Many special ed and autistic students have difficulties
understanding social skills.  Our collection of social skill CDs and
DVDs help to demonstrate proper social skills at home, school and
in the community.
  Books Books for Teaching Individuals with Autism
Our books will help you to learn or improve the visual strategies that you use with your autistic and special needs students.  Learn how
to use photos for behavioral interventions, picture schedules, independent activity schedules and academics.
  Educational Materials Educational Supplies for Special Education

From magnet boards to chore charts, we have tools to help with education and organization.
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